Torkington Allotment Events and News
AGM Meeting & Committee
The Association AGM will take place at Hazel Grove Tennis and Bowling Club on Thursday 20th February at 7.30pm. Plot holders, partners and friends of the association are encouraged to attend. As well as the formal business there will be the quiz, a raffle and food. The meeting has grown in popularity in recent years and we do hope that you will be able to come along.
We are asking for volunteers to join the committee. This is not restricted the named tenant but can be someone from their household. We really need an enthusiastic committed committee to drive forward the site and its success.
September Task Day
Hopefully you are enjoying the sudden dry and warm weather.
On Sunday September 22nd its the allotment task day between 10am and 1pm. As we approach the end of the season its a great opportunity to prepare the allotment for winter.
If you can attend, please do so even if it is only for an hour.
Open Day
Saturday July 20th will see Torkington Allotment hold its annual summer open day. The committee and plot holders invite everyone to come and look around, buy some cakes, play tombola, and have a good time.
Social Day Cancelled
Due to the unseasonal whether forecast the committee has taken the difficult decision to cancel the social date until better whether returns.
Social Day
Following a very successful Open Day last year the committee has decided to organise an informal social day on Friday June 14th (19:00).
Please bring any food or drink you desire, there will be a new Pizza oven available with a limited number of pizzas provided.
We look forwarded to see everyone.
Plots Vacant
There are currently two vacant plots. Anyone wishing to join should contact the committee.
Site Closed
Due to continuation of wet weather affecting allotment infrastructure, the committee has taken the decision to close the allotment until April 17th.
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